CHANEL has created a fantastical fashion film for their annual Métiers d’Art show. The film is in collaboration with REMEMBERS Studio. It is a whimsical animated short featuring eight Chanel models: Fran Summers, Pan Haowen, Mariam de Vinzelle, Rianne Van Rompaey, Loli Bahia, Mica Argañaraz, Lola Nicon and Akon Changkou.
Still from Chanel Métiers d’Art film
Still from Chanel Métiers d’Art film
Still from Chanel Métiers d’Art film
The film portrays the models in their own fanciful world, each inspired by eight different Métiers d’art: Lesage, Lemarié, Massaro, Maison Michel, Goossens, Desrues, Atelier Montex and Lognon. The animated models tiptoe around larger than life thread spools and leap across teetering towers of Chanel kitten heels.
Beloved house motifs and infamous garments are sprinkled throughout the film. This year’s Métiers d’art presentation will be taking place at le19M.
This year’s Métiers d’Art presentation will be taking place at le 19M on December 7th in Paris. And once again, Chanel is inviting us to step into their avant-garde, wondrous world of fashion.
by Jamison Kent