IN celebration of Milan’s Salone Del Mobile, Bottega Veneta has announced early access to the new Arco bag before the official pre-fall launch. Taking its name from the Arco della Pace, a neoclassical arch in Milan, and the backdrop for the fashion house’s fall 2019 show. Fittingly, the bag takes on architectural elements into its design, with a dome-shaped flap and rectangular base, and long handles. Every element of the bag pays homage to the brand’s Italian roots.
Bottega Veneta Arco Bag campaign
Available in four sizes in a palette of natural colours, the Arco brings a new looser and relaxed sensibility to Bottega Veneta’s renowned craftsmanship. Made from a variety of French calf leather, the bag is bonded with suede, and features a bare interior to reveal its expert weaving and construction. There are also non-woven versions available in soft crocodile and Palmellato, a calf leather known for its distinctive grainy texture and shining finish.
Bottega Veneta Arco
Bottega Veneta Arco
The complexity of craftsmanship is key to the Arco bag, made from over 100 separate pieces.
by Emma Hart
The Arco is now available in Bottega Veneta’s Milan boutiques and online here