FOLLOWING on from their triumphant show in Puglia, Dior continues their tribute to Creative Director’s Maria Grazia Chiuri home country. Focusing on just not the beauty of the collection but also the Italian landscape and the show location of Lecce in the campaign, Dior brings together all of their points of reference in the imagery.
Dior Cruise 2021 Campaign
Hong Kong-based photographer Lean Lui captures the Cruise 2021 campaign incorporating the magic of the land whilst celebrating the savoir-faire of the clothes. Symbols of femininity are highlighted; lace and corsets have been reinterpreted from the classic French manner to be given an Italian flare.
Dior Cruise 2021 Campaign
Pietro Ruffo’s wildflowers help to connect the enchanted feel of the campaign juxtaposed with the modern structures in the Lady Dior, Dior Bobby and Dior Book Tote bags adorned by the models.
by Imogen Clark