Lisa Boudet announces Unbreakable exhibition focusing on Ayane Yamamoto

THE NEW exhibition critiques society’s response to mental illness in the modern day, whilst also serving as a medium of emotional expression for the artist, Ayane Yamamoto. Fusing ancient Greek mythology with a distinct modernist flare, the exciting exhibit is surely one which will resonate with some and educate others.

Lisa Boudet ParisAyane Yamamoto, curated by Lisa Boudet. Photograph by Lansy Siessie

Lisa Boudet ParisAyane Yamamoto, curated by Lisa Boudet. Photograph by Lansy Siessie

Lisa Boudet ParisAyane Yamamoto, curated by Lisa Boudet. Photograph by Lansy Siessie

Set to open in Paris’ Rue Saint-Claude, the event has been carefully curated by Lisa Boudet. Following on from the success of her Lucky Charm exhibit in London back in November 2021, their latest venture hopes to arouse an emotional response and deep sense of intrigue within the viewer.

Looking towards Greek mythology as a key point of inspiration, Yamomoto’s work uses Medusa as a muse, a manifestation of mental trauma and misunderstanding the artist themselves has recognised amongst widespread society.

Lisa Boudet by Lansy SiessieArtist Ayane Yamamoto. Photograph by Lansy Siessie

Usually depicted as a creature of evil, Yamamoto’s vision it is a refreshing reinvention for the mythological character and will certainly generate some intriguing critical responses from their audience, of which is a key aim for the exhibition.

by Ben Sanderson

Unbreakable is on show at 7, rue Saint-Claude Paris 7500, from July 9 – 14 2022


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