RENOWNED for its inspired blending of rare and unique scents, leading British perfumer Ormonde Jayne takes its range of distinctive fragrances to Hong Kong, introducing the distinguished range of products to a new audience. Set to launch in Hong Kong on May 15, the collection will be presented at the Parfumerie Trésor in Sheung Wan.
Linda Jayne, Founder and Creator of Ormonde Jayne
Founded almost 20 years ago the brand will bring its scents and ingredients sourced from around the world from its London studio, to another dynamic city. Taking with them the classic and favourite fragrance Qi, a delicate blend of Green Lemon Blossom, Violet, Mate, Myrrh and Osmanthus, part of the Four Corners of the Earth collection.
Four Corners of the Earth Collection
Alongside this Ormonde Woman, a signature scent from the brand will also showcase at Parfumerie Trésor, its scent made from a combination of Black Hemlock, Jasmine, Vetiver, Cardamom and Coriander.
Each scent is carefully chosen, to compliment the lovely design of the launch venue.
by Lorna Tyler
See the Ormonde Jayne perfume collection here