Making their usual stylised statements for AW15, Ferragamo took comfort clothing to an extreme by lavishing luxe materials upon the body generously. Chief creative Massimiliano Giornetti got an artistic longing for fall time hues to be decorated with brushes of paint and flicks of storybook animal motifs that grounded this collection in the unequivocally riskier realm.
This desire for more flair inspired Giornetti to go beyond the traditional aesthetics that are associated with Florentine menswear, all the while, making sure to tick all the right boxes to keep the collection grounded. Onward it was however with oversized duffle like coats and other eclectic experiments with astrakhan and tufts of other frayed fabrics popping out of inserts here and there.
One can’t help but feel that Giornetti wouldn’t have done wrong if he had invested a little more of his vanguard streak in a few more pieces, instead of diffusing it to play the majority safe. However, with AW, he did discover where the wild things were and did it with such suave enchantment as well. The swooping scarfs that topped off each look could have spoiled some of them by tumbling this way and that, but instead they made them stand out more and ultimately became one of the most recognisable caprices of the day and something that’ll make Ferragamo stick in our minds.
by Liam Feltham
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