Bottega Veneta’s new film – Emotion of Sound

Bottega Veneta has recently released a short film that showcases Tomas Maier’s SS15 collection on dancers. The film is entitled Emotion of Sound and its purpose is to create a feast for the senses though the use of music and visuals.


A few of the pieces from the collection are draped around the bodies of what are clearly expert dancers as they gracefully move around a series of rooms. It shows the movement of the clothing and the versatility of the collection in terms of what each thing can be worn for.



This is film that demands an emotional response from the viewer and to create a connection with the clothing and Bottega Veneta as a brand through the use of the dancers and the sound around them. It is somewhat difficult to discern whether it is a film produced by Bottega Veneta, as the branding is minimal – it could easily be mistaken for a conceptual dance film. But perhaps that is the point.

by Anna Coughlan

Images Courtesy of Bottega Veneta