FENDI is back with a new episode of its Peekaboo bag series. The series was launched in April last year to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the iconic Fendi Peekaboo bag. Each episode of the series is a unique and heartwarming celebration of motherhood, womanhood and anything in between.
The protagonists of this eighth episode are from Shanghai, mother and daughter Grace Pen, a respected business woman and socialite, and her visual artist, model and photographer daughter Jossilyn Pen.
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Glass interviewed Grace and Jossilyn Pen to find out more about their relationship and what their Fendi Peekaboo bag means to them.
Use one word to describe your mother/daughter.
Grace: Creative.
Jossilyn: Loving.
How is your relationship with your daughter/mother?
G: Connected.
J: It is the pure love.
What is the best part?
G: Our ability to share everything and accept each other’s differences.
What does Fendi mean to you?
G: Fendi is the synonym of elegant and diversified.
J: When I think of Fendi, I think of the Fendi bags.
Use three words to describe the Peekaboo bag.
G: To me the Peekaboobag is stylish, sophisticated, unique.
J: Playful, colourful, collectible.
Would you define the Peekaboo as Timeless? Why?
G: Yes, it accommodates all the lifestyles.
J: Yes, because it is unique.
How would you describe yourself? Which is a characteristic you have in common with the Peekaboo bag?
G: Complicated and adaptable and the Peekaboo bag is definitely adaptable.
J: Lively and playful.
The Peekaboo is all about secrets. Tell us about your hidden you?
G: For me to know and you to find out.
J: I love your bag.
Tell us about Shanghai. Why it is so inspiring to you?
G: Shanghai is a neverending source of inspiration. It shows something new everyday.
J: Shanghai is my home, that’s why it is so inspiring to me.
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Credits: Courtesy of Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Grace and Jossilyn Pen. Photograph: Fendi
Watch the #MeAndMyPeekaboo Chapter 2, Episode 8 film here:
by Lucia De Angelo