THINK back to when you were a child. To colouring outside of the lines, playing with your mother’s makeup, and watching hours of cartoons. Now imagine compressing your childhood into a fashion collection – that’s exactly what Fyodor Golan has done this season.
The show begins with a demure piece – minimal and simplistic. From there more colours are introduced until we have a frenzy of colours, patterns and silhouettes. It’s exciting, playful and nostalgic. Things only continue to escalate – with the introduction of post-it notes, power puff girl logos and rainbow bodysuits.
Nostalgia is one of the best ways to capture people’s minds in fashion. Fyodor Golan has done that in troves for the AW17 collection. It’s playful, it’s lighthearted and it appeals to colourful individuals who not-so-secretly want to be a unicorn.
by Anna Coughlan
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