Sisley revisits their legendary Ecological Compound

IT’S CERTAINLY no easy feat to create a skincare product that truly withstands the test of time and the rapidly changing tides of beauty trends. And yet, there is something so exquisitely seamless and absolutely timeless about Sisley’s Ecological Compound, a deep moisturizing cream for all genders.

Ecological Compound by Sisley

Although the Ecological Compound distinct formula was devised all the way back in the 1980s, its wild success has meant that the ingredient list remains very much the same to the original concoction. The wonderful mix of Centella Asiatica, Ginseng, Rosemary, Hops and Horsetail extracts continue to nourish and stimulate skin while simultaneously keeping it strong and supple.

Ecological Compound by Sisley

What perhaps allows the formula Sisley’s Ecological Compound to remain unaltered is the brand’s steadfast dedication to paying homage to nature by sourcing natural elements. This not only extends to the wonderful ingredients, but to the decor of the bottle.

Now for the second year in a row, Polish artist Elzbieta Radziwell interweaves her own creative eye and passion for nature into the redesign of Sisley’s bestselling product. The bottle now features an assortment of delicate butterflies and dragonflies dancing among botanical wonders.

by Maria Noyen

Sisley’s Ecological Compound is available for purchase on the online store from £168