This Hallowe’en marks the launch of the Veuve Clicquot Widow Series – an annual event held in homage to the famously widowed Madame Clicquot, who single-handedly took over her late husband’s champagne business and transformed it into the iconic House of Veuve Clicquot.
Exploring the theme of A Beautiful Darkness, the inaugural event – held at the former St. Martin’s space, The College – is curated by SHOWstudio founder and fabled photographer Nick Knight, who will reveal five specially commissioned fashion films, all with a suitably spooky slant.
Exhibiting alongside Knight is a roster of renowned contemporaries – including Gareth Pugh, who presents a capsule collection of clown-inspired designs, and Lady Amanda Harlech, offering a study of feminism through the eyes of a white witch.
Ensure that glass of Clicquot makes it into your hand as soon as you step inside by downloading the Click for Clicquot app from the App Store.
An image from Nick Knight’s fashion film
by Roberta Lister
The Veuve Clicquot Widow Series runs from 5- 10 pm on Thursday, October 29 at The College, 12-42 Southampton Row, London W1CB 4AP. Tickets are available here.