SINCE being named as artistic director of Louis Vuitton’s menswear collections in 2018, Virgil Abloh has delved into some of the most intriguing subcultures and their archetypes, interweaving his favoured refer...
RICK Owens completed his fourth and final show at the Venice Lido with a collection that was equal parts fragile and feverish. With various models grasping portable smoke machines as they walked, enveloping the...
DESPITE the disruption this prolonged pandemic has inflicted on the traditional show schedule, for many designers, it has actually proved to be a feast for the imagination. Namely for Jonathan Anderson’s Men’s ...
SURROUNDED by the sandy brick architecture of the Cantina Petra winery, Walter Chiapponi presented his SS22 men’s collection for Tod’s, expanding on the label’s repertoire of timeless classics.
Inspired by t...