NOTORIOUS for their use of found objects and eccentric source materials, design duo Rottingdean Bazaar transformed their third runway show as part of Topman and Fashion East’s MAN project into a fancy-dress par...
LANGOUROUS adolescent summers inspired the Stefan Cooke SS19 collection, which was presented at the MAN SS19 show organised by Topman and Fashion East.
With a focus on re-imagining the quintessential...
TOPMAN Design has been a mainstay of the London Men’s Collections since its first season, when it launched in 2012. Since then, the high-end offering of the high street behemoth has consistently pushed out forw...
AW15 Day 1 LCM
Season six commences!
The overall vibe! – Fur the love of the seventies!!!
The theme – seventies glam come Dirk Diggler Bay City Roller hybrid homoeroticism
The items – tasseled capes...
The British Fashion Council have announced NEWGEN’s men’s recipients for AW15. A total of 10 emerging menswear talents are to receive NEWGEN MEN support, sponsored by leading UK menswear retailer TOPM...
Cord flares, floppy barnets and skin tight daisy jacquard knitwear all brought out to a feet-tapping funky soundtrack must of meant only one thing at LC:M, let’s do the time warp again? Glass’ multiple musings ...